Attitudes of teachers implementing inclusive education and their hope for success


  • Sławomira Laskowska



attitudes towards work, teachers, hope for success


Changes in education having a structural-functional character are not without an
effect on the teachers. There are in fact cognitive patterns with which people, having limited
adaptability, operate in conditions of profound social change. Man is not able to produce
new cognitive structures that correspond to changes in the environment or social work in
a short period of time. The lack of these structures often prevents adequate perception of
changes, raises anxieties and negative emotions, deepens stress and shapes attitudes. The
character and scale of changes in education are sometimes in conflict with existing beliefs,
views and attitudes of teachers, which may cause the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance
and affect the attitudes towards work. It happens especially when there are limited opportunities
to achieve professional success that determines the implementation of their personal
and professional plans.


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How to Cite

Laskowska, S. (2019). Attitudes of teachers implementing inclusive education and their hope for success. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 19(19(12), 245–256.