Shaping attitudes of tolerance as an important contribution to the integration of disabled people


  • Elżbieta Gaweł-Luty



disability, tolerance, integration


The aim of the paper is to indicate the multidimensional context of a disabled
person’s place in contemporary society. Proposals for solutions include both formal, institutional
and personal aspects. Nowadays, there is a need to accept disabled people as fullfledged
members of society. In addition to systemic solutions, it certainly requires raising
young people to openness to individuals with developmental deficits, to shared responsibility
in particular for weaker persons, as well as to tolerance of the diversity of needs and abilities
of each person.


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How to Cite

Gaweł-Luty, E. (2019). Shaping attitudes of tolerance as an important contribution to the integration of disabled people. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 19(19(12), 211–224.