Guidelines for authors


Volume of the study:

  • article - no more than 20 standard pages (40,000 characters including spaces, footnotes and bibliography).
  • review - up to 15.000 characters,
  • opinions, voices, polemics - up to 20,000 characters,
  • report - up to 10.000 characters,
  • script, abstract 500-1000 characters.

Text: A4 format; Times New Roman 12 point font; line spacing 2; margins on all sides 25 mm; links in superscript, alignment to the left and right margins (justification); continuous page numbering in the lower right corner; no hyphenation, no automatic highlights and calculations, paragraphs are indented 0.5 from the left. Highlights in the text should be marked with a bold font.

Footnotes: It should be prepared according to the Harvard Referencing System: when quoting, always give in brackets: author / authors, year of publication and page number, eg [Kowalski, 1992, p. 244].

Quotes in the body of the text: when the size of a citation exceeds 40 words, it should be placed in a separate paragraph indented, without quotation marks. Otherwise, the fragment is placed on the line of the actual text, in quotation marks. Italics should not be used.

Bibliography: All publications referred to by the author of the article should be included in the bibliography at the end of the work, arranged in alphabetical order according to the following formula:

  1. Bień W., Sokół H., (1998), Ocena sytuacji finansowej banku komercyjnego, Difin, Warszawa.
  2. Bludnik I., (2009), Redukcjonizm w modelach neokeynesowskich, „Ekonomista”, nr 6, s. 761-774.
  3. Roth J.D., (2010), Your Money. The Missing Manual, O'Reilly Media, New York,

[access: 01.01.2011].

  1. Somer J. (red.), (1995), Ustawa o ochronie i kształtowaniu środowiska. Komentarz, Wydawnictwo Prawo Ochrony Środowiska, Wrocław.
  2. Stefańska M., (2001), Wizerunek przedsiębiorstwa, [w:] Mruk H. (red.), Nowości i trendy, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu, Poznań, s. 36-39.

The text should be accompanied by:

  • Article title - placed on the title page in the original language of the article and in English
  • Abstract - placed on the title page in the original language of the article and in English (approx. 1000 characters, font 10 points, justification).The abstract must reflect the content of the article, as it is the main source of information about the research for most readers. All keywords should be used in the abstract to make it easier for interested people to find this article in the future. The abstract should not repeat or paraphrase the title of the text; it should be written in the third person. The abstract should distinguish at least four of the following categories of information:
  • goal (obligatory),
  • research problem (obligatory),
  • methods of research (obligatory),
  • results and conclusions (obligatory),
  • practical use (optional),
  • originality / cognitive value (obligatory).
  • Keywords (10 point font, left justification) in the original language of the article and in English clearly defining the main topic of the article. Words should be written in the nominative singular, separated by commas. The first should be the detailed name of the sub-discipline to which the work belongs. Keywords cannot be general terms, common terms, conjunctions, pronouns, and prepositions. Proper names can be keywords. Keywords should be selected in such a way that the reader can find the text by searching for it according to keywords in the electronic database of journals. We encourage you to use possibly standard, commonly used terminology, both Polish and English, avoiding neologisms, metaphors, etc.
  • Information about the author: name and surname, academic degree, ORCID, affiliation, name and address of the place of work (position and functions) and e-mail.